Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where we are in the process

Several people have asked where we are in the process of adoption.  Right now we are in the middle of our homestudy. Hopefully that will be finished by the end of January and we can begin compiling our dossier to be sent off to our child's country. Ideally, we'll travel shortly after Kayla's high school graduation in May.

So far, we've tried three times to commit to children in Eastern Europe. All three times there has been a miscommunication between the people who advocate for the children and the people who facilitate the adoptions. All three children are not available for one reason or another. We've decided to avoid further heartbreak by planning on a blind referral. This means that when we arrive in our child's country, we'll get to look through pictures and medical history of several children and then decide who we'd like to meet, then we will meet the child and begin the adoption process.

As of right now, we are not working with an agency, since adoptions in our chosen country are not handled by agencies. All adoptions in this particular country are independent and  most families pay facilitators to walk them through the process.


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