Saturday, July 14, 2012

New Timeline

People always say that adoption is hard for people who like to be in control. Um.....doesn't everyone like to be in control of their own lives? So, it is no surprise that I sometimes sit down and write out our projected timeline.

Here is what has happened so far-

10/25/11- Home study initiated (order paperwork, sign contract for home stud agency, etc).
1/8/12- Decide to adopt from China instead of Ukraine.
4/23/12- Home study arrives at our home! Mailed USCIS application!!!
6/1/12- USCIS approval arrives in the mail!
6/18/12- Old agency says we are DTC!!!
6/19/12- Old agency says we are NOT DTC and will not be until September!
6/26/12- Decided to switch to a new agency.
7/9/12- DTC! (Dossier To China)

Here is what still needs to happen, along with estimated dates based on current averages in China Adoption Land.

7/30/12- LID (dossier log in date)
10/10/12- LSC/LOA (Letter Seeking Confirmation, Letter of Acceptance)
10/24/12- I-800 approval
11/7/12- NVC
11/21/12- Article 5
12/12/12- Travel Approval!
 Early January or Early February- Go to China!


Carla said...

I'm hoping to travel early in 2013 too!

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