Thursday, August 30, 2012

You did it! Thank you!

Today, we met our matching grant goal! Thanks to everyone who has donated! I will close the giveaway on Friday night at midnight, as planned but the delivery of the Kindle Fire will be delayed just a bit.

Amazon is all sold out of the Kindle Fire right now, so my plan to have it sent directly to the winner just will not work. Of course, right? I have ordered a brand new in the box Kindle Fire from a third party seller and I'm praying that it arrives very soon. Once it arrives, I'll send it to our winner.

In the meantime, my mom and I are working hard making more jewelry so that our jewelry winners will have lots to choose from.

Even though we've met our goal for the matching grant, please feel free to enter the giveaway. We still need to raise about $10,000 more in about 8 weeks. Every dollar helps, so if you only want to give $1, your donation is still very welcome!


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